Please join us for one of our free GCAQE contaminated air webinar series.
Click on date to register.
Provisional dates until registration goes live for each webinar.
The flight safety aspects of contaminated air
3 February 2021 - 1830 - 2030 UK time
4 February 2021 - 0900 - 1100 UK time
Contaminated air - A European perspective
10 February 2021 - 0900 - 1100 UK time
2021 Online Aircraft Cabin Air Conference​
15 to 18 March 2021
The history of contaminated air - Part 2 of 2 - From 2000 to present day
20 January 2021
The history of contaminated air - Part 1 of 2 - From the year 1945 to 2000
13/14 January 2021
The medical consequences of exposure to contaminated air
15/16 December 2020
Contaminated air for beginners
2/3 December 2020
Contaminated air - A US perspective
24 November 2020
Contaminated air - A Canadian perspective
19 November 2020
Contaminated air - A UK perspective
18 November 2020
Contaminated air - An Australian perspective
17 November 2020
The flight safety aspects of contaminated air
3/5 November 2020
The history of contaminated air - Part 2 of 2 - From 2000 to present day.
14/15 October 2020
The history of contaminated air - Part 1 of 2 - From the year 1945 to 2000.
7/8 October 2020
Contaminated air for beginners / intermediate level
15/16 September 2020