The GCAQE is calling on regulators and Governments globally to mandate the introduction of effective 'bleed air' filters and contaminated air warning sensors on passenger aircraft. Exposure to contaminated air can cause a risk to flight safety and to crew and public health.
The aviation industry has known for decades that contaminated air can and has impaired and incapacitated flight and cabin crew. They have also had a good understanding of what chemicals are present during these events for over 20 years.
Please watch our 'Call for the mandatory installation of effective contaminated air detection and 'bleed air' filtration systems on passenger aircraft' short film and our animated 'Understanding filtration and 'bleed air' systems on commercial jet aircraft' films below to learn more about these issues, demand change and 'Fly informed.'
The GCAQE campaign is supported by representatives of over 1 million aviation workers, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF), the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) and the European Cabin Crew Association (EurECCA). The Press Release can be read here.
Aircraft cabin air quality video.
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Video sulla qualità dell'aria di cabina
dell'aeromobile. Clicca per guardare
Luftqualitätsvideo der Flugzeugkabine.
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Video de calidad del aire de la cabina del
avión. Haga clic para ver
Aircraft cabin air quality video.
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Video sobre a qualidade do ar na cabine.
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機艙空氣質量視頻。 點擊觀看
Vidéo sur la qualité de l'air de la
cabine d'avion. Cliquez pour regarder
Видео за кач еството на въздуха в кабината
на самолета. Щракнете, за да гледате
Видео о качестве воздуха в салоне самолета. Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть.
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Video de calidad del aire de la cabina del avión.
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Video de calidad del aire de la cabina del avión.
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Video de calidad del aire de la cabina del avión.
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Video de calidad del aire de la cabina del avión.
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Video de calidad del aire de la cabina del avión.
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Video de calidad del aire de la cabina del avión.
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Video de calidad del aire de la cabina del avión.
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Video de calidad del aire de la cabina del avión.
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'Fly informed'