GCAQE Executive Board
The GCAQE is made up of an Executive Board of seven elected by the membership. The current chairman as of October 2024 is Captain Rondeau Flynn, Chairman, Aeromedical Committee, Allied Pilots Association.
The other board members are currently: Jordan Braystone (CUPE - Canada), Captain Nicholoas McHugh (Ret), Anna Wakelin (AFAP - Australia), Captain Philippe Amman (Aeropers-Switzerland), Alessandra Airaldi (Italy) and Johanna Stewart (CFAU - Canada)
GCAQE Head of Research
Dr. Susan Michaelis BCA (hon), PhD, ATPL – Former Australian pilot with over 5000 hours flying experience. She holds a PhD (2010) in ‘Safety Sciences’ from UNSW in Sydney entitled ‘Health and Flight Safety Implications From Exposure to Contaminated Air in Aircraft.‘ In 2016 she was awarded an MSc in air safety and accident investigation from Cranfield University (UK) with a thesis addressing the mechanisms involving oil leakage into aircraft air supplies. She is a qualified air accident investigator and a visiting researcher at the University of Stirling in the UK and an independent consultant in areas addressing safety and OHS in the workplace. She has an internationally renown track record in this field stretching back over 25 years. She was the first Australian to be awarded a British Citizen Award in 2023 for her work in this field.
GCAQE Spokesperson
Captain Tristan Loraine BCAi, ATPL – Captain Loraine, a former British Airways pilot and union Health & Safety representative has been involved in research in the field of aircraft contaminated air since 2001. He was a founding GCAQE co-chairman and now an independent film-maker and subject matter expert on the contaminated air issue. He was awarded a British Citizen Award in 2015 for his work in this field.
GCAQE Founding Patrons
Senator John Woodley (Australia) and the Countess of Mar (UK)